Begin with Prayer

Read Acts 1:1 through 3:26 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers (Acts 1:14). Jesus told His followers to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit’s power, they could never follow Jesus’ command to reach the world with the gospel message. While they …


Read Exodus 35:1 through 40:38 Sharon didn’t think she could make a difference in her culture. She hoped to obey God and influence others to believe in His love. But she had no desire to preach, nor the talent to do so. Sharon, thinking that was what those “called by God” had to do, assumed she couldn’t make much of …


Read Exodus 19:1 through 21:36 What does it mean to remember the Sabbath Day? How can the day be kept holy? Do people still need to follow specific rules? God gave a command that emphasized a particular day. Though other information comes later regarding how the nation of Israel could obey this, God didn’t offer specific instructions or provide details—the …

When Jesus Landed

Read Matthew 14:13–36 Dr. Daniels had never visited Africa. He had prepared through research and interviews, but as soon as he landed, nothing was like he expected. Smiles. Giggles. Kind comments in a language he struggled to understand. People he had never met raced toward him, offering to carry luggage, medical equipment, boxes, and gifts. Compassion for the patients, their …

Four Brothers

Read Genesis 34:1 through 36:43 A tale of four royal brothers is told in India. Each brother decided to acquire a special ability. The first brother learned to create flesh from the bone of any creature. The second could create skin and hair from the flesh. The third could create limbs from what his brothers had created. And the fourth …

God Is Merciful

Read Genesis 19:1 through 21:34 Lot appeared to be wealthy and hold an important government position. He sat at the city’s gateway—a place of authority and status. He seemed involved in the local culture and even offered his own daughters to satisfy the sexual desires of an angry male mob. God still wanted to save him. Despite repeated and direct …

Bow Before Your Maker

Read Genesis 1:1 through 3:24 John contemplated the breathtaking view before him with a sense of wonder. Turning to his wife, he voiced his thoughts aloud. “Surely the Rocky Mountains are among God’s most magnificent creations! How can anyone view them and not believe in God the Creator?” Phyllis squeezed his hand. “And consider that God is not only the …

Is the Bride Ready?

Read Revelation 19:1 through 22:21 Many attending the wedding had watched Christy and Ben become friends and fall in love. Now the young couple would declare the vows that would bind them together for life. Christy had eagerly anticipated this day for months. The gown, the cake and flowers, the invitations, and scores of other details had consumed much of …

Ever-Present Power

Read 2 Chronicles 36:1–8; Daniel 1:1 through 4:37 King Nebuchadnezzar demanded that his sorcerers and astrologers tell him what he had dreamt, then interpret it. How quickly their pride in their supposed superhuman abilities was humbled. These “wise men” said only the gods could tell dreams, not man! Though they had pagan “gods” in mind, the magicians were right—only a …

A New Heart

Read 甐 Ezekiel 36:1 through 39:29 Sin destroys us all. It takes what God has made as very good and transforms it into something less than good—something bad. Perhaps the worst effect of sin is what it does to the heart. The human heart that God created to care for others and reach out to Him becomes hardened like stone …