Place of Refuge

Read Joshua 18:1 through 21:45

“Tell the Israelites to designate the cities of refuge, as I instructed you through Moses” (Joshua 20:2).

When the Israelites settled in the Promised Land, God made a point to provide safe havens for certain members of the population. Anyone who unintentionally killed a fellow citizen could go to a city of refuge and escape the wrath of those seeking to avenge the victim. God cared enough to provide for such people before their mistakes were even made.

God still cares for those who are trying to flee the errors of their past. Before you were even born, He demonstrated His concern for you by sending His Son to die for your sins. Jesus’ sacrifice covers not only your accidental missteps, but also those sins committed in outright rebellion against God.

The fact is, we’ve all made mistakes. But we don’t have to face punishment and retribution. Jesus is a shelter and refuge for all who confess their sins and turn their lives over to Him. No matter what we’ve done in the past, it’s good to know we can run to Jesus and find safety, acceptance, and forgiveness.

Thought for Today:

A relationship with Christ is the ultimate refuge.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri, 65802