Increasing Power

Read 1 Chronicles 10:1 through 12:40

Carroll was fifty-three years old when she began her missions work in Guatemala in 1999. Now, at the age of seventy, she still serves the orphanage that she cofounded. Although her body has not always been healthy, her spirit is strong and her ministry has grown. While serving the orphans, she also writes a blog and is working on a book. She counsels, visits, travels, encourages, and helps wherever needed. Carroll’s life is powerful. Her exploits are mighty.

David became more and more powerful, because the Lord Almighty was with him (1 Chronicles 11:9).

God works powerfully through the lives of those whose hearts are submitted to Him. David’s victories increased because David looked to the Lord for his success, just as Carroll has done all these years.

No matter your status or health or wealth, the Spirit of God dwells in you, and your life can be powerful for the Kingdom of God. Seek the Lord for the works He has in mind for you. You obtain victory when the Lord Almighty is with you. Add your name to the list of God’s mighty warriors, which include David and Carroll.

Thought for Today:

Mighty exploits for the King await you. Step out in faith and see what God has in store.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N, Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802