I Can't But God Can!

I Can’t, but God Can!

Read 林後 2 Corinthians 3:1–18

When you face an impossible situation, do you think it’s the end of the road or just a bend? God often asks you to do things that seem to be impossible. A God-given task stretches you beyond your perceived limitations. It may appear risky, but He wants to show you what He can do if you remain dependent on Him.

Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God (2 Corinthians 3:5).

What God wants to produce in your life can only be accomplished supernaturally. Apart from Christ you can do nothing God expects. Your close connection with Him is what enables you to accomplish what seems impossible.
You cannot tap into God’s full provision until you can admit your complete poverty. The weakest area in your life becomes the launching pad for God’s possibilities. It is not what you bring to the kingdom, but what God produces through you that is really spectacular.


Lord, help me not to focus on my inability, but on Your power at work in me.