Dreams Fulfilled

Read Genesis 42:1 through 44:34


While a child, Cathy announced, “God wants me to be a missionary in China.” As she grew up, Cathy was blessed with her family’s encouragement. After she completed her college degree, she worked in accounting and researched entry options. Finally, she found the perfect missions organization. Twenty years to the month later, Cathy departed for China.


God sent young Joseph a dream. Unlike Cathy, he received no support from his family. His brothers attempted to squash the dream. Their first idea was to kill Joseph, but Reuben suggested they sell him instead. The brothers agreed and conspired to lie to their father.


Years later in Egypt:


Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the person who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground (Genesis 42:6).


Evil intent failed to stop God’s plan. Joseph’s obedience and willingness to forgive assured the survival of Jesus’ lineage.


Thought for Today:

Delayed dreams are not denied dreams.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri, 65802