We Are Accountable

Read Ezekiel 18:1 through 20:49 Aliesha had purposely sat alone in the college cafeteria to study for her French final. Distracted by conversations around her, she hadn’t even read her first page of notes. At the table next to her, Brenda bragged about shoplifting some earrings. Behind her, Melissa angrily spouted that her boyfriend had cheated on her. On the …

Everlasting Hope

Read Lamentations 1:1 through 5:22 A news program that aired an episode entirely of good news would shock its viewers, and probably be unrealistic. From life experience, we know that people daily suffer loss, distrust, and discord. Human need is like soil that cannot be fully hydrated. There is always more parched ground. Since everyday struggles are ongoing and universal, …

Power or Position?

Read Jeremiah 38:1 through 40:16 Dogs don’t care about titles. They aren’t impressed by lineage or money. They do, however, seem to be better- than-average judges of character. In a household full of people, they figure out whom they can count on. The titles of master or owner mean nothing to them. Dogs tend to evaluate people based on their …

Our Shepherd

Read John 10:1–21 It was a cool day in the autumn of 1975. The flock of sheep spread from one side of the two-lane Lebanese road to the other. The picturesque view was beautiful with a brisk breeze, the white sheep, green hillside, high blue sky, and bright sunshine. But something was amiss. There was no shepherd—just sheep meandering along …

If You Only Knew

Read John 4:1 through 5:47 There are six essentials for any good news story: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Rudyard Kipling called them “six honest serving men” who taught him all he knew. The gospel is the greatest news story the world has ever heard. The “who” is Jesus; the “what” is the plan of salvation; the “when” …

True Security

Read Nahum 1:1 through 3:19 The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, but with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh; he will pursue his foes into darkness (Nahum 1:7,8). Nineveh, as the capital of Assyria, was a powerful city. Nineveh also was an evil city. …

Darkness Shall Flee

Read Isaiah 58:1 through 60:22 Brian knew about darkness. By the time he was 12 he’d pocketed thousands of dollars dealing drugs. He quit school at 16 and filled his free time selling crack-cocaine, marijuana, PCP, and anything else he could get his hands on. By the time he was 28, he’d spent time behind bars—once for manslaughter and once …

Wait for It

Read Titus 1:1 through 3:15 We wait at the signal for the light to turn green. We wait in the lobby and then again in the examination room when we go to the doctor. We wait in line to make a purchase or pay a bill. Often, waiting is considered to be a negative part of life. On the other …

Overcoming the Fear Factor

Read Isaiah 28:1 through 35:10 According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, more than 19 million adults in the U.S. suffer from some form of anxiety. Specifically diagnosed disorders range from a general, undefined sense of uneasiness to outright panic attacks which leave victims debilitated and unable to function. The organization says that anxiety disorders are highly treatable using …

The Choice

Read Isaiah 5:1 through 8:22 The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread (Isaiah 8:13). Of all human fears, the fear of man is one of the greatest. The fear of man means being more concerned about what others think …