Too Blessed to Fail

Read Jeremiah 7:1 through 10:25; 26:1–24

It is completely possible to experience tremendous growth and prosperity over years, decades, or centuries, only to suffer the loss of it all. All too often the news tells of glamorous movie stars, giant financial institutions, and once grand governments failing. But why?

Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!” (Jeremiah 7:4).

The answer is found in people’s tendency to think that success implies safety. It does not. The people of Israel presumed God would never allow the destruction of the temple. But when the people consistently failed to honor God, the temple was ruined. To build the biggest, most marvelous temple building was not God’s grand design. His desire was to establish a people who honored Him from their hearts.

Christians can fall into the same trap, saying: “This is God’s work!” Big churches, big ministries, and big numbers are not God’s focus. His focus is on holiness, righteousness, and relationships that honor His name.

Prayer Suggestion:

Lord, please help me honor You and not trust in my circumstances.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri, 65802