No Compromise

No Compromise

Read Ezra 9:1 through 10:44

Today more than ever before the Bible is being questioned. Many argue that its truths are no longer relevant in our postmodern society that believes there are no absolutes. A growing “pick and choose” mentality has even invaded some churches. How are we to respond?

When Ezra arrived in Jerusalem, the leaders came to him with distressing news. God had made it very clear when the children of Israel first entered the Promised Land that they were not to intermarry with the people there. God had not changed His mind, but the people had chosen to disregard His command. Even priests and Levites ignored God’s command and intermarried.

Ezra was appalled by the unfaithfulness of the exiles who had returned to Jerusalem. He tore his tunic and cloak, pulled hair from his head and beard, and sat down for hours saying nothing. When he finally did speak, it was to pray, confess, and weep before the Lord.

Yet, our God, you have punished us less than our sins have deserved (Ezra 9:13).

Prayer Suggestion:
Ask the Lord to show you how He is calling you to stand up for the truth of His Word today.