Devotions Gods Plan

Enough for Everyone

Read č©© Psalms 143:1 through 150:6
As a teenager, Elizabeth took her first flight on a jet. As the plane ascended, she gazed down on her city in awe at a multitude of homes and other buildings. This must be earth as God sees it, she thought. Elizabeth wondered how many thousands of people within those buildings were at that moment praying. While looking down on one city she began to form a limited picture of God watching over earth’s billions of people. How, she wondered, can God possibly see and hear me?
They will celebrate your abundant goodness (Psalm 145:7).
As Elizabeth matured, so did her understanding of God’s omnipresence and abundance. Even adults cannot comprehend His limitless resources, yet the Scriptures tell us God has enough of everything for everyone: love, forgiveness, patience, healing, provision, and a listening ear. As unfathomable as that is, we must accept His abundance by faith and experience. We can affirm the reality of God’s abundance because of the tangible and intangible blessings we have already received through prayer. Do we truly celebrate God’s abundant goodness?


Among the world’s six billion people,
God sees and hears you.