Childlike Faith

Read Psalms 93:1 through 101:8


When six-year-old Logan heard his mother on the phone with Grandpa, he begged, “Please, Mommy, can I talk?” Thinking her son wanted to tell Grandpa about his fun day at vacation Bible school, she said handed him the phone.


Logan asked, “Grandpa would you please give your heart to Jesus? I want you to play with me in heaven, but you can’t get there without Jesus.” After handing the phone back to his mother, Logan bounded off to play.


She was stunned when she placed the phone to her ear and heard her dad weeping aloud. For years she’d intended to speak to her hard-hearted father about the Lord, but feared he’d mock her. Now Logan’s bold but simple faith had melted Grandpa’s heart.


Today, if only you would hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. (Psalm 95:7–8)


God is continually reaching out to the hard-hearted and longs to have His people join Him by sharing the gospel. It “is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).


Thought for Today:

It’s better to fear for the souls of the lost than to fear their reaction to the gospel.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802