Be Blessed

Read Numbers 5:1 through 6:27

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24–26).

Through Aaron and his sons, God invoked a blessing for the people of Israel. His blessings included His presence, protection, and peace. Too often the people of God take such things for granted. Then, when the sense of these blessings is missing, trust in God wanders through a wilderness of doubt. During these times of struggle, God invites His children to come to Him for help.

Because God desires a relationship and wants His people to know such blessings come from Him, a dialogue must take place. As the promises found in Scripture are spoken to God in prayer, He gladly answers. It was God who said, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3). He said it because He intends to answer. Prayer involves asking, and has more to do with fellow- ship with God than merely getting a blessing.

Thought for Today:

Blessings flow from a relationship with God.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802