Joyful Giving

Read Deuteronomy 29:1 through 30:20; Mark 12:35 through 13:11 In 1946, a widowed mother and her three teen daughters felt challenged to give in a “sacrificial” offering for a poor family. That month the woman and her daughters ate only potatoes, turned off lights to save electricity, cleaned homes, did babysitting, and scraped together seventy dollars, which they joyfully gave …

God Can

Read Mark 10:1 through 11:33 For years Jacob searched for a way to God. In college, he investigated different world religions but never found what he was looking for. He tried doing good deeds, but they never seemed good enough. He made great efforts to improve himself, but he still felt the weight of his inadequacies. One day a friend …

Three Anxious Souls

Read Numbers 27:1 through 30:16; Mark 5:14 through 6:13 Anxiety is common to everyone. What will the doctor’s report say? Will the plane land safely in this storm? Where is my child? He is not home, and it is getting late. How will the bills be paid? The people of the New Testament experienced anxiety too. A former demoniac was …


Read Acts 27:1 through 28:31 The apostles were all normal human beings. It’s worth recalling this to understand that the great healings, miracles, and outpourings of the Spirit are woven within the stories of people. They were great people of God, but they were not perfect. Paul persecuted followers of Christ before his conversion. Peter denied Christ and struggled with …

A Matter of Choice

Read Deuteronomy 28:1–68 If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (Deuteronomy 28:1). Across the nation, gardens help people to get some fresh air, to get some exercise, and to grow something fresh. The variety of …


Read Deuteronomy 12:1 through 14:29 The Israelites were given instructions on how to live for God. To follow those instructions was to obtain a promise. Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you (Deuteronomy 12:28). God wasn’t giving a list to make things hard. He knew the people …

Found Out

Read Numbers 32:1 through 36:13 Michael was busily destroying zombies in his favorite video game when his cell phone flashed a text message: “Did you finish the book yet? Remember our report is due tomorrow.” His fingers swiftly replied, “Nah, I’m good. I grabbed the CliffsNotes.” He ignored the disapproving emoticon that popped up. He figured he could stay up …

Avoid Black Crabs

Read Numbers 11:1 through 15:41 A certain motivational speaker has painted a word picture of a bucket of black crabs gathered by a morning beach walker. One of the crabs dreams about climbing out of the bucket and escaping to a new life. He stretches, pushes up, and manages to get one claw over the edge. But just as the …

Work Is a Gift

Read Numbers 3:1 through 4:49 God made work assignments through Moses. There were no complaints of, “I’d rather carry the curtains than the poles.” Each person accepted his assignment. At the Lord’s command through Moses, each was assigned his work and told what to carry. Thus they were counted, as the Lord commanded Moses (Numbers 4:49). No job is perfect, …

Sentient Community

Read Leviticus 14:1 through 15:33 The word “sentient” means being capable of feeling. The biblical community is sentient. Beyond living in similar environments, holding common values, or having similar culture, biblical community is a living reality. Early in their relationship God revealed concern for the community of Israel. That concern was expressed in consideration for others by protecting them from …